Self care and good habits for better mental health

Mental health

Invest in your mental, physical, emotional and productive self - because it won’t look after itself

“I feel more in control. It is down to those daily practices, grounding on a regular basis and the routines that Barry has helped to design and put in place, influencing the choices that I make on a regular basis.

I feel a lot more like the person that I want to be but I also have a lot more perception in terms of what my goals are and the progress that I am making towards those goals.”

Better mental health feel on top of the world.jpg

Overworked? Stressed? Want to feel more in control?

You don’t ‘cure’ mental health, you nurture it.

There are no end of adverts and advice. There are no end of experts and influencers with that ‘perfect balance’. There are no end of products with fancy promises to lead you to the ‘promised land where you can reach your nirvana’.

Ignore it. There is a lot of bullshit out there.

Good mental health is not having a six pack or never being stressed.

Mental health is simply a process of nurturing yourself mentally, physically, spiritually, intellectually, socially - sustainably - over time.

To be healthier. To be happier. To live a high quality life for longer.


Why I might be able to help you

I have no extreme ‘transformation’ or ‘story’ to sell you.

I have never suffered from major mental ill health, although I have been around it a lot. I have never had a breakdown, but like everyone I often struggle to deal with major life events.

I have studied to a high level, and learnt that in order to get better mental health, you need to understand and influence your daily…

  • thoughts

  • feelings

  • actions

And I can teach you how to influence these more consistently and effectively and realise that…..

you are the answer to your problems, you just don’t know it yet.

Stronger mental health with Barry at Present Future Self in Bath
Self care and good habits for better mental health

How do I help you?

We’ll do a deep dive into your specific situation and work in a systematic way to help you…

  • understand where you are now

  • get clarity on where you want to be

  • understand what needs to change

  • understand sleep, stressors, lifestyle, demands upon you

  • give you the skills to manage your mental health better

We will achieve this using a combination of…

  • all my experience as an educator and senior leader

  • evidence based psychotherapies including CBT and ACT

  • understanding you

Improve sleep, stress, performance and mental health with Present Future Self

What next?

We start with a 20 minute FREE consultation so -

  • we can meet and I can understand your SPECIFIC SITUATION

  • we can see if I am able to help you and if we are the ‘right fit’ for each other

Then if we decide to go ahead -

  • you complete an in-depth lifestyle questionnaire

  • in Session 1 we discuss this further and work out a plan of action

  • weekly/fortnightly/other sessions as YOUR NEED dictates so

    • adapt our work together as we progress

    • keep you accountable and moving forward