From Ancient remedy to modern solution: Does valerian root help you sleep better?

The evidence for valerian as a sleep aid is a real mixed bag, with research ranging from beneficial to no different than a placebo.

A 2020 meta-analysis concluded it could be safe and effective at promoting sleep, despite inconsistencies. Yet, recent studies in 2024 show varied results, indicating a need for higher-quality research to truly understand valerian's efficacy.

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Why making people feel like they belong at work is worth it.

When we meet new people one of our first questions is not “ So how are you?”, but often “So, what do you do?”.

The importance of our work and careers increases in adulthood and work increasingly forms part of our personal and social identity. We spend a LOT of our time doing, thinking or being at work. It is part of us, or it becomes part of us. We take success, and especially failure, very personally – so personally that it often feels impossible to separate the work from the person.

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