Time to level up and discover how to perform at your best more consistently
“Barry has been pivotal in helping me look at the bigger picture of who I am, what my goals are, what I actually want to do and ultimately taking small steps and stacking the bricks in my favour and becoming the person who I want to be; not only designing what those goals are but then helping me be accountable to the things that I said I would do.”
Firstly - high performance. What actually is it?
It means different things to different people depending upon personal experience and circumstances.
If you are a professional athlete it might mean ‘the Olympics’.
If you are a business person it might be creating a highly profitable company?
If you are a student? Maybe straight As?
Whatever your situation, it is about getting the best results you can. Consistently. Over time. In the real world.
High performance, or peak performance?
It is easy to look at amazing achievements like taking a gold medal at the Olympics or making a huge business deal and think “I want that”.
It is equally important to remember that peak performance like that is about building to your very best performance at one given point. This is great, except you can’t expect to be able to reach that very highest peak day in, day out - not without seriously burning out.
What you CAN do is build the regular habits, routines and mindset that allows you to perform at a high level consistently and helps you build towards those moments of peak performance. Understanding this difference is also key to reducing stress and allowing yourself to perform consistently at your best level.
So how do I help you perform better?
I use a combination of teachings from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) alongside cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy (CBH), psychology and coaching.
High performance consists of many things -
building good habits
being organised
living in accordance with your ambitions
holding yourself accountable
learning and developing new skills
refining or discarding old ones
having mental strategies that build resilience, determination and confidence
being honest with yourself and actively seeking improvement
High performance is about cultivating and honing good habits to get the best out of yourself daily.
ACT is an action orientated approach that stems from CBT. We use acceptance, mindfulness, cognitive re-framing and behavioural changes to ensure you are consistently performing as your highest level.
You learn to accept, rather than deny, avoid or wrestle with the negative/blocking emotions and thoughts you are struggling with. You learn to live in the moment and adopt strategies that are constructive rather than destructive. You build habits that support rather than hinder you.
You live a life consistent with your ambitions.
The result?
Better and more consistent performance in and of itself. But also less stress, a greater sense of purpose, more control, better mental health better sleep and better productivity.
So what do I get from this?
Consistent high performance doesn’t happen by accident.
The process of refining and revisiting what you think, feel and do benefits your life in many ways.
competitive advantage
personal and professional growth
better and more focused use of time
greater satisfaction
increased confidence and self-esteem
clearer thinking
consistent, sustainable habits that benefits all aspects of your life
consistent self development
What happens next?
We start with a 20 minute FREE consultation so -
we can meet
I can understand your SPECIFIC NEEDS
we can see if I am able to help you
we can decide if we are the ‘right fit’ for each other
Then if we decide to go ahead -
pre-session 1 you complete and return to me an in-depth lifestyle questionnaire so I can start to understand your unique situation
in Session 1 we discuss this further and work out a progress plan - specific goals, approaches, possible time frames - and get you going
weekly/fortnightly/other sessions as YOUR NEED dictates so
we can regularly reflect
adapt our work together as we progress
keep you moving forward
ensure accountability
“Just wanted to say, I listened to the recording before cricket today.
Went in nervous but I stayed confident and ended up getting 40 runs and helping my team to victory.
Thanks. Your help has been invaluable.”