Please note that this page is currently under reconstruction and will be updated shortly! (apologies!)

Dealing with Covid

We are living in very strange times. Whilst the pandemic has created some fantastic opportunities it has also been the source of lots of stresses and strains particularly around family, work, school and finances.Fortunately there are lots of ways to tackle this. I will work with you and empower you make sense of it, adapt and manage any problems this has created so that you emerge stronger.

Panic Attacks

Panic attacks can be incredibly debilitating. They can be caused by a variety of things including stress, cognitive catastrophising worry and even simply worrying about having a panic attack.

And they can be terrifying.

However, with the right intervention you can learn how to control them when they do happen, reduce and even prevent them from happening in the first place.  Using a variety of techniques I will help you understand how and why panic attacks affect you, and help you to deal with them in the real world.


Spiders? Snakes? Heights? Flying? Enclosed spaces? Needles?  

These common phobias and many more are so common but also so treatable. Cognitive-behavioural interventions have an outstanding record when it comes to helping people overcome their fears, and the additional use of hypnosis enhances the rate of improvement and the profundity and permanence of the change. 

And emotionally it can be exhausting with overwhelming feelings of fear and sadness. When you are in a cycle of stress and anxiety it's difficult to see a way out and can lead to generalised anxiety where it spreads from the initial trigger situation to other areas of your life.

Habit Reversal

For me, it was sucking my thumb! For you?

Bad habits can be supremely annoying and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. 

Using your mobile phone or social media when you shouldn’t. Nail biting. Hair pulling. Eyebrow picking. Knuckle cracking. Fiddling with pens or your hair. The list is endless. 

Often our habits can be embarrassing or irritating. They can limit us and can in turn affect our levels of confidence and self esteem, or cause us to procrastinate. They can stop us from being able to do simple things such as not feeling able to shake someone’s hand, to affecting how we act and behave in order to avoid or ‘cope’ with certain situations. 

I use specific habit reversal training to help make all of these, and many other habits, a thing of the past.

Life Coaching

My life coaching does for your future what a trainer does for your health and fitness - provides you with clarity, a plan from which to progress towards your goals, gives you encouragement and keeps you accountable for your progress. It is about taking calculated actions to bridge the gap between where you are now, and where you want to be in the future.

I sometimes use it alongside hypnotherapy to help facilitate powerfiul change in your life. I use a variety of tools and techniques to help you realise your goals and push yourself towards new ones that you might once have thought were beyond your reach.